Basic Demand 101July 2010 |
Daily we talk with utility customers about peak demand issues. "What is this 'Demand Charge' and how is it calculated?", "Why does the utility issue a demand charge?", and of course, "What can I do to eliminate it?" |
United Church
May 2010 |
Are you or your customers in a high rate bracket and you don't know how to get below the required kW demand? This is the problem Scott Cummings and The United Church of Christ were facing. The United Church of Christ is located in Simi Valley, California. In 2005 they were put into a more expensive rate bracket, forcing them to pay higher electric bills. |
May 2010 |
EnergyAccess is a Windows-based application which operates as a data acquisition and user interface for your Energy Sentry 9300 Series Demand Management Systems, enabling you to monitor, control and analyze your energy use-all from the convenience of your desktop. |
Jimmie Saves Big
March 2010 |
"It's been wonderful; it's been everything Brayden Automation promised it would be. I wish everything worked as well as this does." Jimmie Wolfrum, the owner of Jim's Automotive Machine Shop, is referring to the Energy Sentry 9388B Demand Controller. |
Celebrating 20 YearsMarch 2010 |
On February 7th, 2010 we celebrated our 32nd year in the demand control business, and our 20th year of operation under the Brayden Automation name. 2009 was another banner year, and marked our 6th consecutive year of record sales. |