Demand Control
Myth #2

October 2012
“A demand controller will reduce the amount of electricity I use.”

Although it may seem like your electricity use is being reduced when using a demand controller, in fact the amount is generally not aff ected. Demand control isn’t about how much electricity is used, but rather when it is used.

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Serving up
Demand Savings!

August 2012

In our June newsletter we focused on how Solar Power can be used with Demand Control to maximize savings and effi ciency. Many times the use of Demand Control is a must in order to achieve savings with Solar PV Systems. This month we are moving to a diff erent type of application… Quick Serve Restaurants.

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Demand Control
Myth #1

August 2012

“A demand controller will turn off my lights, TV, computer and any other electric equipment when it needs to reduce electric use.”

This statement could not be more WRONG for 2 main reasons...

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High Park Fire

June 2012

On June 9th the High Park Fire first ignited by a lightning strike and grew at speeds of 20-40 feet per-minute, grabbing the attention of national news as it consumed 41,140 acres in the first few days.

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Solar Power
& Demand Control:
The Perfect Pair

June 2012

Since the early 2000’s the Solar Power industry has experienced a huge surge in growth due to the advancement of solar technology as well as subsidization in the way of rebates, tax credits and other incentives. There’s no denying the great potential of Solar Power and its ability to help companies with their energy conservation efforts if applied properly.

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What's New
with BAC?

April 2012

If you didn’t get a chance to read our announcement about the “New Face of Brayden Automation” don’t worry, we’ll fill you in now. Last month we updated our Brayden Automation Corporate site and created two additional websites for our Energy Sentry and WireLynx product lines.

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Saving 44-90%

April 2012

Churches happen to be one of the best applications for demand management. In most cases their energy use is low (relatively speaking), but is compressed into short periods of time creating very predictable peaks ...

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EnergyAccess 3.2
is Here!

February 2012

In case you haven’t heard... EnergyAccess is our Windows based software that allows you to monitor, control, and analyze your energy use all from the convenience of your desktop. EnergyAccess operates as a user interface and data acquisition application gathering Real-time information from your Energy Sentry 9300 Series Demand Controller or Monitor.

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Look at the Savings!

February 2012

Brayden Automation was contacted in October 2010 by WOW! Children’s Museum in Lafayette Colorado, about high bill concerns related to the demand charge on their electric bill. After WOW! contacted Xcel Energy about the issue, they referred them to the specialists at Brayden Automation Corp (BAC).

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Dispelling the Myth:
How Peak Demand REALLY Occurs

October 2011

There is a common misunderstanding out there about how Peak Demand occurs and is really measured. Well we’re here to set the record straight!

Many times, we hear “The instant I turn on my air conditioner, (or other large electric load) that instantaneous start-up spike sets my peak.” Although that’s commonly thought of as the Peak Demand… it’s not...

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