Residential Demand Controllers

Energy Sentry Residential Demand Controllers manage your non-essential electric loads to reduce peak demand and improve energy efficiency. What does this mean? Our Demand Controllers will stabilize your home’s electric use by managing equipment with thermal storage such as water heaters, air conditioners, hot tubs etc. Electric loads like these can be turned off for small periods of time without effecting overall comfort or convenience. Other types of electric loads such as lighting, televisions, computers and other plug-in loads are not managed by Energy Sentry's demand controllers. By controlling large electric loads with thermal storage, our Residential Demand Controller will make your home more energy efficient, reduce your electric bills, and save you money!


How it Works

Energy Sentry's Demand Controllers contain advanced software that calculates the rate at which electric use is approaching the demand limit, and sheds electric loads accordingly to prevent going over the set limit. The controlled loads are those which can be deferred for a brief period with little or no effect on comfort, convenience, or interruption of a process. You decide which electric loads to control and set the desired peak demand limit with assistance from a qualified professional. The least important electric loads are the first to be shed and the last to be restored, while the higher priority loads are the last to be shed and the first to be restored. With the proper combination of load control and peak demand limit, you won’t even notice the demand controller is in use, but you’re sure to notice the savings on your electric bill.

To learn more about how demand management works Click Here.

Commonly Controlled Loads:

Controllable loads usually contain thermal storage and can be turned off for a brief period of time with little to no effect on comfort, convenience, or interruption of a process. :

Water Heater
Air Conditioners
Baseboard Heating
Ceiling Radiant Heat
Electric Furnace
Clothes Dryer
Hot Tub

Saving Statistics

On average, our Residental Demand Controllers save 10-40% on electric bills per year. Savings depend heavily on each home’s unique situation given the amount and type of controllable loads, the current load factor percentage, and the utility’s residential demand rates (if available). Most customers find the Energy Sentry demand controllers pay for themselves within 1-3 years.

Click Here to see what some of our customers are saving.

Residential Models

9312A will save money in homes of all sizes - includes a wall set station for added convenience

9312A for homes of all sizes- includes wall set station for added convenience


9388A will save money in homes of all stizes

9388A will save money in homes of all stizes

9388A for homes of all sizes

Application Information:

Application Information:
For use with Wirelynx Model ES1020 Transmitter





9411 Rate 11 Demand Controller